
文学科英文コース― 383 ―through reading, vocabulary development, report writing, and presentations.on each other’s reports every class. Weekly vocabulary quizzes will be given.Students will be required to study 60 hours outside of class.【第1回】 Introduction, weekly news summary、Main theme:The Olympics 【第2回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:Politics 【第3回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:Sports 【第4回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:Economics 【第5回】 Vocabulary test, Presentations 【第6回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:Japanese culture 【第7回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:International business 【第8回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:Entertainment 【第9回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:Science and technology 【第10回】 Vocabulary test, Presentations 【第11回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:The environment 【第12回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:Global culture 【第13回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:Tourism 【第14回】 Weekly news summary、Main theme:International news 【第15回】 Report presentations This course will have a limit of 35 students and will be conducted in English.Strict attendance policies will be enforced.The instructor will provide all classroom materials.Idiom practice 1Idiom practice 2Idiom practice 3Idiom quizIdiom practice 4Idiom practice 5Idiom practice 6Idiom quizIdiom practice 7Idiom practice 8Idiom practice 9Idiom quizIdiom practice 10Idiom practice 11Idiom practice 12Idiom quiz抽 選 の 有 無あり備考デンドウ ゲーリー第1期講義コード11B9126101授業形態講義科目名Current English 1履修前提条件授業の目的The goal of this class is to stimulate interest in news and current events, and to develop the four basic skills of English 到達目標Students will read about and discuss the previous week’s news and write weekly reports. Students will read and comment 授業外学修内容・授業外学修時間数授業計画成績評価の方法Grades will be calculated as follows.Weekly quizzes 50%,Weekly reports and presentations 50%フィードバックの内容All written assignments will be corrected and commented on.教科書指定図書参考書教員からのお知らせオフィスアワーMonday: 11:00-12:30, or by appointment.アクティブ・ラーニングの内容Pair work, group work, discussion, presentationsその他   担 当 教 員    開 講 期 

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