
文学科英文コース講義コード11B9120901授業形態講義科目名Public Speaking 1履修前提条件授業の目的The purpose of this course is to develop public speaking and effective communication skills in a step-by-step process.到達目標Fundamentals of public speaking will be practiced to give students confidence in a variety of situations such as giving 授業外学修内容・授業外学修時間数授業計画成績評価の方法Grades will be calculated as follows.フィードバックの内容All written assignments will be corrected and commented on.教科書指定図書参考書教員からのお知らせThis course will have a limit of 35 students.オフィスアワーMonday 11:00-12:30 or by appointmentアクティブ・ラーニングの内容Pair work, group work(Interviews, conversation, speeches, presentations, debate)その他No textbook is required for this course.講義コード11B9121001授業形態講義科目名Public Speaking 2履修前提条件授業の目的The purpose of this course is to develop public speaking and effective communication skills in a step-by-step process.到達目標Fundamentals of public speaking will be practiced to give students confidence in a variety of situations such as giving 授業外学修内容・授業外学修時間数授業計画成績評価の方法Grades will be calculated as follows.フィードバックの内容Written assignments will be corrected and commented on.教科書指定図書参考書教員からのお知らせThis course will have a limit of 35 students.オフィスアワーMonday 11:00-12:30 or by appointmentアクティブ・ラーニングの内容Pair work, group work(interviews, conversation, speeches, presentations, debate)その他No textbook is required for this course.   担 当 教 員    開 講 期    担 当 教 員    開 講 期 ― 359 ―speeches and presentations, and taking interviews.Student will spend 60 hours outside of class on review, practice and preparation.【第1回】 Course explanation. Self-introduction writing assignment.【第2回】 Self-introduction writing assignment feedback. 【第3回】 Using effective gestures【第4回】 Using voice inflection【第5回】 Using voice inflection【第6回】 Putting It All Together ― Self introduction using effective body language, gestures and voice inflection.【第7回】 Putting It All Together ― Self introduction using effective body language, gestures and voice inflection.【第8回】 Job interview(1)Writing assignment【第9回】 Job interview(2)Writing assignment feedback【第10回】 Job interview【第11回】 Job interview【第12回】 My Hometown: Writing assignment【第13回】 My Hometown: Writing assignment feedback【第14回】 Presentation: My Hometown【第15回】 Presentation: My HometownPresentations/Speeches/Short Talks 50%,Homework 25%,Class participation 25%.Feedback will be given for all class activities.This course will be conducted in English.speeches and presentations, and taking interviews.Student will spend 60 hours outside of class on review, practice and preparation.【第1回】 Story telling(1)【第2回】 Story telling(2)【第3回】 Presentation【第4回】 IELTS interview(1)【第5回】 IELTS interview(2)【第6回】 Selling a product(1)【第7回】 Selling a product(2)【第8回】 Presentation【第9回】 Service industry(1)【第10回】 Service industry(2)【第11回】 Comparison presentation(1)【第12回】 Comparison presentation(2)【第13回】 Presentationtest【第14回】 Steve Jobs presentation(1)【第15回】 Steve Jobs presentation(1)Presentations, Speeches, Short Talks 50%,Homework 25%,Class participation 25%Feedback will be given for all class activities.This course will be conducted in English.Using effective body language抽 選 の 有 無あり備考抽 選 の 有 無あり備考デンドウ ゲーリーデンドウ ゲーリー第1期第2期

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