
文学部開設科目― 5 ―Rich in photos and illustrations, this course offers a unique opportunity to discover the world of Ancient Egypt in English. In the first semester, you will explore some of the famous archaeological sits with monuments and buildings. You will be required to read texts in English provided for each class. You shall learn where such sites are located and understand why they are archaeologically and historically important. You may find it difficult to understand some terminology or spe-cific names of each site at the beginning, but supplemental Japanese reading materials along with explanations in Japanese in class should guide you through each topic.When you complete this course, you should be able to- Comprehend and work through academic materials in English- Identify and explain the archaeologically important Egyptian sites in English- Have a basic overview knowledge of what we know about ancient Egyptian culture.Work more than 60 hours are required on reviewing on the topic covered in each class, familiarising yourself with Egyp-tian monuments and materials as well as terminology, and covering assigned readings with analytical view. Although opportunities to have access to the real Egyptian materials/objects is very limited in Japan, students are strongly encour-aged to visit some related museum exhibitions whenever possible.【第1回】 Guidance(Course introduction)【第2回】 The Land of Egypt 1(The Nile)【第3回】 The Land of Egypt 2(The Nile),Review【第4回】 The First Architecture in Stone 1(Saqqara)【第5回】 The First Architecture in Stone 2(Saqqara),Review【第6回】 From Step Pyramid to True Pyramid 1(Meidum and Dahshur)【第7回】 From Step Pyramid to True Pyramid 2(Meidum and Dahshur),Review【第8回】 The Pyramids of Giza 1(Giza)【第9回】 The Pyramids of Giza 2(Giza),Reivew【第10回】 Temple Architecture【第11回】 The Temple of Luxor and Opet Festival 1(Eastern Thebes)【第12回】 The Temple of Luxor and Opet Festival 2(Eastern Thebes)【第13回】 Medinet Habu 1(Western Thebes)【第14回】 Medinet Habu 2(Western Thebes)【第15回】 Review Test on the archeological sites in Egyptン*Topics may be subject to change.『古代エジプト入門』内田杉彦  (岩波ジュニア新書)2010、『大英博物館図説古代エジプト史』 A.J.スペンサー (原書房)2009、『図説ピラミッド大百科』マーク・レーナー (東洋書林)2000、『古代エジプト神殿大百科』リチャード・H.ウィルキンソン(東洋書林)2002、『大英博物館古代エジプト百科事典』ポール・ニコルソン(原書房)1997、『エジプト美術』ヤロミール・マレク(岩波書店)2004、『古代エジプト全史』河合望(雄山閣)2021、『知識ゼロからのエジプト入門』近藤二郎(幻冬舎)2012『古代エジプト』イアン・ショー (岩波書店)2007、『ツタンカーメンと古代エジプト王朝』近藤二郎 (じっぴコンパクト新参考書書)2012、『古代エジプト失われた世界の解読』及川博一(講談社学術文庫)2014、『ファラオの生活文化図鑑』ギャリー・J・ショー(原書房)2014、『古代エジプト文明社会の形成』高宮いづみ(京都大学学術出版会)2006教員からのお知らせNO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of the subject matter is required, but you SHOULD BE PREPARED to work MOSTLY IN オフィスアワーI will be answering your questions either in class or through email(uf04570ai@rissho-univ.jp).アクティブ・ラーニングの内容Feedback from the instructor; pair-work or group-work in class.その他ENGLISH.抽 選 の 有 無あり備考杉 亜希子第1期講義コード11B4130101授業形態講義科目名Introduction to Cultures of the World 1〈世界の文明1〉/履修前提条件授業の目的到達目標授業外学修内容・授業外学修時間数授業計画成績評価の方法Grades will be based on active class attendance and submission of reports(60%)and final examination(40%).フィードバックの内容The summary and comment sheet will be assessed and returned in the following week.教科書指定図書   担 当 教 員    開 講 期 英語で学ぶ世界の文明1

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